Paul E. Godek
For more information download his complete curriculum vitae below.

Microeconomic Consulting & Research Associates, Inc.

1155 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20036

Tel: 202-467-2500
Fax: 202-296-1915

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago, 1983

Tel: 202-467-2505
Fax: 202-296-1915

Paul E. Godek brings to Micra more than 20 years of experience in litigation consulting – in the areas of antitrust, class certification, damages, and securities fraud.

Dr. Godek is one of the few economists to have served at both of the federal antitrust agencies. He was the Economic Advisor to the Director of the Bureau of Competition at the Federal Trade Commission. Prior to that he was a staff economist with the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. After his government experience Dr. Godek has worked for Economists Incorporated, Compass Lexecon, and Securities Litigation Consulting Group.
Dr. Godek has made a number of written and oral presentations to the antitrust authorities and to various other federal agencies, including the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the International Trade Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Both in government service and in private practice, Dr. Godek’s work has focused on the application of statistics and econometrics to antitrust, class-certification, and securities issues and to the computation of damages. He has testified as an expert witness on behalf of the Department of Justice and in private litigation.

Dr. Godek’s publications can be found in such journals as The Antitrust Bulletin, Competition Policy International, Economic Inquiry, The Journal of Financial Economics, and The Journal of Law and Economics. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago in 1983.

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